Get your favorite weapons for FREE when you spend this holiday season!

PROMO PERIOD: Dec. 1 – 31, 2023 (UTC)


  1. Purchase any IMCASH item in the game and reach the daily spending targets to receive the bonus reward items!
  2. The total amount of purchases will be computed PER DAY. Purchases are not cumulative over the event period.
  3. The rewards are divided into 3 tiers depending on the spending targets reached.
    • Tier 1 Rewards = Spend 200 – 499 IMCASH
    • Tier 2 Rewards = Spend 500 – 999 IMCASH
    • Tier 3 Rewards = Spend 1,000 IMCASH and above
  4. Only the highest rewards tier reached will be given. (Ex. If you spend 1,300 IMCASH, you will receive the Tier 3 rewards.)
  5. Bonus reward items will be inserted on the next day.

Please take note: The time used for this promo is UTC. So please compute your purchase within the time frame. For purchase history, login your account in https://www.infinitymarket.net/.


December 3, 2023 12:00AM to 11:59PM UTC = December 4, 2023, 8:00AM-December 5, 2023, 7:59AM PHT.

So if you use Philippine time, please always purchase between 8:00AM PHT, today, until 7:59AM PHT, tomorrow, to count as 1 Whole Day of Purchase.

You can use this link https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/utc-to-philippines-manila for time conversion.


Happy Holidays, Soldiers! 🎅