On August 27, 2023, the virtual battleground witnessed a fierce clash of soldiers as the SFR x Tyrant Clan Online Tournament commenced. Arranged by Karl Bacuta, the Clan Master of the Tyrant, this event drew in 9 determined teams, ready to showcase their gaming skills and claim the ultimate prize.
The teams are 2bol, 1fam, Atabs, Ageo,EtherealX, Antrax,Tyrant spartans, Team Wolf, and Magnus.
Cash Prize, IMCASH, and In-Game Sets are ready to be claimed as teams embark on their quest to secure these rewards.
The allure of victory was matched by the enticing rewards:
Emerging as the ultimate Champion was 2bol, a team that displayed exceptional skills and strategy. Their unwavering determination led them to the top, where they not only claimed the title but also a share of the Php 9,000 Cash Prize Pool.
The runners-up, 1fam, showcased remarkable gaming talent and resilience throughout the tournament. Their journey was marked by fierce competition, earning them a well-deserved spot among the top ranks.
Atabs secured the third-place position, demonstrating their gaming prowess and determination. Their impressive performance was a testament to their dedication to the virtual battlefield.
Through every match, every strategic move, and every hard-fought victory, the participating teams played a vital role in shaping the ever-evolving legacy of esports.
Congratulations to 2bol, 1fam, Atabs, and all the participants who attended the SFR x Tyrant Clan Online Tournament! Until the next online gaming showdown, may the legacy of this tournament inspire future generations of esports enthusiasts.